Jessica Sanchez

Based in Dallas, TX, Jessica Sanchez is an abstract artist of many talents. She is highly skilled in the art of water color and also specializes in illustrative art. Sanchez picked up illustrating as a child after witnessing her mom create works of art.“I would go through her sketchbook and I thought it was just the coolest thing,” Sanchez says. “She was always creative and she was always crafty, but then she stopped drawing, so I picked it up and just decided to go that route. I decided to do art instead of get in trouble as a kid.”Sanchez has been creating art of her own for over eight years. In that time, she has grown close with local artists, who she says have helped her with her artistic growth.“From what I’ve noticed in the last year, Dallas’ art scene is very interactive,” Sanchez says “Artists like to help each other art. I’m a part of a few art groups on Instagram and Facebook and people let each other know about events, and even share when some stores are having sales on art supplies. I really appreciate that about Dallas’ art community.”When she is not making art, Sanchez is a bartender at a local upscale pizzeria. She enjoys cocktails mixed with Kruto Vodka.“I like how I can easily add Kruto Vodka to any of my cocktails, and I can’t tell right away that it’s vodka,” Sanchez says. “I like using vodka, but sometimes it tastes like rubbing alcohol. I never get that with Kruto and I love it.”As an artist, Sanchez believes that accepting help and mentorship from other artists is essential in order for one to hone their skills and become masters in their crafts.“Try to get into the community and ask for help,” Sanchez says. “Especially from experienced artists. Practice as much as you possibly can and try to get that experience under your belt.”To see more of Sanchez’s work, follow her on Instagram!